Why we're screwed
I have family visiting this week, so blogging will be light-to-nonexistent. All the same, when I checked my email this morning, my friend A had sent me a link to a news item that I thought needed wider dissemination. When reading this report, try not to think about it as limited to a specific environmental problem in a specific geographical area. Instead think about any general lessons that may be learned from this.
Here it is, from the BBC: Australian rivers ‘face disaster’
It stares us in the face and still we don’t act. What’s the difference between the Australian government’s action in the report and the people who killed the last northern white rhinos? Or the people who won’t arrest a wanted Nazi?
Our pathological refusal to act upon the most obvious black and white issues terrifies me.
June 18th, 2008 | 12:21pm
by merrick
On a positive note, check out the work of Peter Andrews. He has been devising systems to work with the natural landscape. All the details can be found at http://www.nsfarming.com/
June 23rd, 2008 | 9:22pm
by DalekSupreme