This is one of those posts about blog trivia, so will be of limited interest to many. But I thought I’d do one in honour of my spam filter having just caught its 100,000th piece of spam. Actually, when I logged in just now, Akismet told me that I’d had…
I have no idea how that compares with other blogs of a similar size (i.e. very low readership / traffic) but it seems like an awful lot to me. Sadly the actual one hundred thousandth piece of comment-spam was one of those “loads of question-marks” comments — indicating, I suspect, that it was submitted in a typeface my browser can’t process. This is given further credence by the fact that it links back to an Israeli website selling cheap “Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods”. So I’m guessing that my 100,000th piece of spam was in Hebrew.
Try explaining that to someone from the 19th century.
The 99,999th spam was also for cheap drugs. In English this time. So if anyone needs any amoxicillin, I can send you the link.
The 100,001st spam, on the other hand, was an example of my favourite kind. The classic nonsense poetry spam… “I so understand, in last paragraph just whole salt and is stated”.
This can be reformatted thus…
in last paragraph just whole
salt and is stated.
Ain’t that the truth.
Meanwhile my incoming traffic is still heavily google-based. I’d say at least 60% of my readership is of the “search, click, glance, back” variety. I’d like to think that I manage to snare one of those a month as a regular reader… but even that may be optimistic.
And there are three topics which, via a variety of different searches, account for the majority of those google hits. First up (and this pleases me) are people searching for “CO2 per barrel of crude oil” or some variation thereof. The next largest group are those who come looking for the techno-viking video. I’m not even in the first 10 results for that. Which means people are skipping over 10 perfectly good links to a video in order to watch it on this site. Ten or fifteen of them a day. Which is odd I think. And the third biggest draw is the “Dublin to London by bus” post. Like the CO2 emissions thang, that’s quite a useful post, I guess, so it’s nice to see it getting readers.
Some questions that — according to google — people thought they’d have answered here. And, in case they return, the answers…
Is psychoanalysis harmful?
In general I would say, “no”. But it rather depends on the analyst.
What is the authority principle of Freud?
I have no idea. I suspect you are referring to the ‘Reality Principle’ (though I’ve never heard it referred to as the ‘authority’ principle). The definition provided by Wikipedia is nice and concise, while there’s a longer extract from the Dictionary of Psychoanalysis over at
Why is windows genuine advantage suddenly popping up?
Don’t ask me, I gave up trying to understand Windows a long time ago. “Weird stuff happens”. I suspect there’d be a measurable drop in global stress levels if Microsoft used that as the tag-line for Windows. Kind of like a big “Don’t Panic!” sign.
Who has the biggest balls?
In Britain it’s clearly Lord Goldsmith. As for elsewhere? I really couldn’t say, but if you turn off google’s safesearch filter I suspect you could have an unforgettable time trying to find out. Or for a slightly different take on the matter, you could check out Flight of the Conchords and their sugarlumps.
What are 3 countries besides the usa that are have placed bans on smoking?
There’s a whole bunch of them, each with slightly different levels of prohibition (though only in Bhutan is the actual sale of tobacco illegal).
I think my favourite search term of late, though is “marijuana found in the antarctic“. I’ve searched myself and can’t find what the person might have been referring to.
I clearly get much fewer hits than you but I’m quite proud of being Google’s no.1 listing for the search “Hazel Blears cunt” and no. 2 for “fuck Hazel Blears”.
May 28th, 2009 | 6:19pm
by punkscience
My visitor numbers have stayed remarkably constant during the three years this place has been running. I get — on average — between 90 and 140 visits per day. There’s been a (very) gradual rise over time, but only in the sense that it tends to hover near the upper limit of that range and occasionally dip into the lower, rather than vice versa as was the case when I started. Given that about 60% come through google, that means I still have roughly 50 regular readers.
Which is the same number I estimated when I last gave it any thought… a couple of years ago. Still, it’s not the quantity of your readers but the quality of them.
Am I right?
May 28th, 2009 | 7:40pm
by Jim Bliss
I don’t see what my visitors are searching on, nor the most popular pages. Probably could, just haven’t been arsed to check.
I get a weekly email with basic stats though. Bristling Badger has varied wildly. It was about 40 a day (average visit time about 10 secs) for aaaaaages. Then out of nowhere it went up, week after week for a couple of month until it was about 200.
Then a year ago, for no discernible reason, it plummeted. My frequency of posting and subject matter hadn’t changed or anything, yet the readership fell to a fifth in a fortnight.
Recently it went right up (150 a day, average over a minute), after link from Monbiot article and in his sidebar went up, fluttered down, but caught another updraft on the aftermath of the G20/Ian Tomlinson stuff.
Back down to about 80 a day, average 15 secs-ish.
All through this, Dust On The Stylus remains utterly constant, between 90 and 100 a day, average 1.00-1.30.
Neither compares to the measurable percentage of global bandwidth used by the Strawberry Switchblade site.
You think it’s weird that people come to you for Techno-viking? I’ve had two this month come to Strawberry Switchblade having searched on ‘donny osmond’.
May 29th, 2009 | 11:41am
by merrick
Been having a shufty at my stats. The biggest hits come for whatever’s recent, however one of the most consistent views is for a post called ‘an old man wanking into a sock‘, usually via searches such as ‘man wanking’. They must be dreadfully disappointed.
June 22nd, 2009 | 3:23pm
by merrick