First lines quiz
Books this time. Regular readers will recall the occasional quizzes I set where I list the first lines of a bunch of songs and invite you to guess the titles. Well, this time, prompted by Paul over at The Whole Damn World, I’ve decided to list the first lines of a bunch of books (both fiction and non-fiction) and see how good your memories are. Some are obvious, others far less so. Feel free to use google if you need to, but don’t post google-sourced answers in the comments.
Introductions, prefaces and prologues have been omitted, these are all “Line 1 Chapter 1″s. The first one is also the first one on Paul’s list, but it’s a great line to get the ball rolling. Also, there’s no more than one from any particular author.
- It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. – 1984: George Orwell – Paul
- Later than usual one summer morning in 1984, Zoyd Wheeler drifted awake in sunlight through a creeping fig that hung in the window, with a squadron of blue jays stomping around on the roof. – Vineland: Thomas Pynchon – Nosemonkey
- Daniel Pearse was born on the rainy dawn of March 15, 1966.
- I didn’t know that afternoon that the ground was waiting to become another grave in just a few short days. – So The Wind Won’t Blow It All Away: Richard Brautigan – m’hoop
- Everyone now knows how to find the meaning of life within himself.
- In the year 1815 Monseigneur Charles-Francois-Bienvenu Myriel was Bishop of Digne.
- I first met Dean not long after my wife and I split up. – On The Road: Jack Kerouac – Paul
- The day had gone by just as days go by.
- May I, Monsieur, offer my services without running the risk of intruding?
- Something has happened to me: I can’t doubt that any more.
- Stately, plump Buck Mulligan came from the stairhead, bearing a bowl of lather on which a mirror and a razor lay crossed. – Ulysses: James Joyce – Nosemonkey
- That’s good thinking there, Cool Breeze. – The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test: Tom Wolfe – Paul
- Back in the late 1970s, when I was fifteen years old, I spent every penny I then had to fly across the continent in a 747 jet to Brandon, Manitoba, deep in the Canadian prairies, to witness a total eclipse of the sun.
- One thing was certain, that the white kitten had had nothing to do with it — it was the black kitten’s fault entirely. – Through The Looking Glass: Lewis Carroll – Larry’s Mum
- The year 1866 was marked by a strange occurrence, an unexplained and inexplicable phenomenon that surely no one has forgotten.
- In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since. – The Great Gatsby: F. Scott Fitzgerald – m’hoop
- In the late summer of that year we lived in a house in a village that looked across the river and the plain to the mountains. – A Farewell To Arms: Ernest Hemingway – m’hoop
- That was when I saw the Pendulum. – Foucault’s Pendulum: Umberto Eco – Nosemonkey & Larry
- Save the albatross…! Stop nuclear testing now…!
- The sky above the port was the colour of television, tuned to a dead channel. – Neuromancer: William Gibson – Gyrus
- This time there would be no witnesses. – Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency: Douglas Adams – m’hoop
- Well, Prince, so Genoa and Lucca are now just family estates of the Buonapartes. – War and Peace: Tolstoy – Nosemonkey & Larry
- At a certain village in La Mancha, which I shall not name, there lived not long ago one of those old-fashioned gentlemen who are never without a lance upon a rack, an old target, a lean horse, and a greyhound. – Don Quixote: Cervantes – Nosemonkey
- Listen to my last words anywhere. – Nova Express: William S. Burroughs – Gyrus
- My father had a small estate in Nottinghamshire; I was the third of five sons. – Gulliver’s Travels: Jonathan Swift – Nosemonkey
- At nine o’clock in the morning, towards the end of November, the Warsaw train was approaching Petersburg at full speed. – The Idiot: Dostoevsky – Nosemonkey (half point for author but not book!)
- Once a guy stood all day shaking bugs from his hair. – A Scanner Darkly: Philip K. Dick – Gyrus
- The sweat wis lashing oafay Sick Boy; he wis trembling. – Trainspotting: Irvine Welsh – Paul
- The chimes of San Salvatore broke into Josef Breuer’s reverie.
- May it please heaven that the reader, emboldened and having for the time being become as fierce as what he is reading, should, without being led astray, find his rugged and treacherous way across the desolate swamps of these sombre and poison-filled pages; for, unless he brings to his reading a rigorous logic and a tautness of mind equal at least to his wariness, the deadly emanations of this book will dissolve his soul as water does sugar. – Maldoror: Lautréamont – Howard
- In your schooldays most of you who read this book made acquaintance with the noble building of Euclid’s geometry, and you remember — perhaps with more respect than love — the magnificent structure, on the lofty staircase of which you were chased about for uncounted hours by conscientious teachers. – Relativity: Albert Einstein – UKLiberty
- Among the incivilities by which nations or individuals provoke and irritate each other, Mr Burke’s pamphlet on the French Revolution is an extraordinary instance. – The Rights of Man: Thomas Paine – Nosemonkey
- The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles. – The Communist Manifesto: Karl Marx and Freidrich Engels – Paul
- All states, all dominions that have had and continue to have power over men were and still are either republics or principalities. – The Prince: Machiavelli – Nosemonkey
- It is impossible to escape the impression that people commonly use false standards of measurement — that they seek power, success and wealth for themselves and admire them in others, and that they underestimate what is of true value in life.
- Daughter: Daddy, why do things get in a muddle? – Steps to an Ecology of Mind: Gregory Bateson – Gyrus
- All five elements basic to the study reported here — population, food production, industrialization, pollution, and consumption of nonrenewable natural resources — are increasing. – The Limits to Growth: The Club of Rome – Phil
- When I was six months old, my parents moved from Kesswil on Lake Constance to Laufen, the castle and vicarage above the Falls of the Rhine.
- “Long long ago, when wishing still could lead to something, there lived a king whose daughters were all beautiful, but the youngest was so beautiful that the sun itself, who had seen so many things, simply marveled every time it shone on her face.
- My research has led me to the realization that repetition automatism (Wiederholungszwang) has its basis in what I have called the insistence of the signifying chain.
Have at it.
I was going to use a couple of those myself!
I think I got 3 or maybe 4.
1. 1984 (George Orwell)
7. On The Road (Jack Kerouac)
28. Trainspotting (Irvine Welsh)
3: The Communist Manifesto (Karl Marx & Freidrich Engels)
And that’s about all I could manage. Still, If I hadn’t come up with it first, I reckon you’d have used books that I am familiar with.
August 18th, 2010 | 11:03pm
by Paul
Yeah Paul, there were a few I would have used but deliberately avoided because they were on your list. Also, to be fair, I threw in a number of highly obscure ones among the better-known classics (I’ll be genuinely shocked if anyone gets #30 for instance).
August 18th, 2010 | 11:25pm
by Jim Bliss
Having said that, Paul, I’d put money on you having read several of the ones you didn’t get. I suspect you’ll have read most of the following list: 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 20, 21, 25 & 27. Probably some others too… but simply based on your list, I’m guessing you’ll have encountered those ones.
August 18th, 2010 | 11:32pm
by Jim Bliss
I know what I know. I think when you publish your answers, I will have heard of the books, but not necessarily have read them.
But what’s the point of this exercise?
It could easily be an ego exercise, but deep down, I’m hoping that people will be motivated to read something new, rather than know all the answers.
So I’m glad you didn’t get all the books on my list, and when I produce the answers, I will try to include a brief synopsis, and reason for inclusion, in the hope that someone out there will find the time to read something that I found important or entertaining.
Not going to do so on the basis of one line of course, but I will try to find some of the things on your list, because their inclusion amounts to a recommendation. I got a huge boost in my understanding of the world from reading Richard Heinberg’s books, as a result of your posts on U-Know a few years back, and I reckon I’d enjoy things I’ve yet to read as a result of this post.
August 18th, 2010 | 11:55pm
by Paul
“when I produce the answers, I will try to include a brief synopsis, and reason for inclusion, in the hope that someone out there will find the time to read something that I found important or entertaining.”
So it is an ego exercise afterall
August 19th, 2010 | 12:07am
by Paul
An ego exercise? Pretty much sums up blogging. Indeed, it pretty much sums up writing. In Orwell’s essay, Why I Write, he suggests that all writers are motivated by 4 factors:
I like to think I have healthy doses of 2, 3 and 4 in there, but I’d be a liar if I said there wasn’t a whole bunch of “1” involved.
August 19th, 2010 | 12:25am
by Jim Bliss
Having sharply delineated what I think I know from what I think I don’t, I read the list again, and recognised another.
12. The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe.
Must admit, I do enjoy late 20th century American literature.
August 19th, 2010 | 1:50am
by Paul
Is 22 War and Peace?
18: Foucault’s Pendulum?
August 19th, 2010 | 6:46am
by Larry
20 – ‘Neuromancer’, William Gibson; 24 – Well, it’s Burroughs but I can’t place it. One of the cut-up trilogy I’d guess… OK, I partly cheated cos I just used my bookshelf, but I’ll give myself it cos I picked up the right one first – ‘Nova Express’; 27 – ‘A Scanner Darkly’ by Philip K. Dick.
OK, that’s my fiction. Yes, I only read weird sci-fi
Non-fiction… well, you’d shoot me for not knowing 6 is ‘Steps to an Ecology of Mind’ by Gregory Bateson, since you bought it for me!
August 19th, 2010 | 8:38am
by Gyrus
Without cheating? Hmmm…
2) Vineland by Thomas Pynchon
11) Ulysses, James Joyce (easy!)
18) Foucault’s Pendulum, Umberto Eco
22) War and Peace, Tolstoy (also easy – though isn’t that line usually in French?)
23) Don Quixote, Cervantes
25) Gulliver’s Travels, Jonathan Swift
26) It’s Dostoevsky, but I can’t remember which one.
2) The Rights of Man, Thomas Paine
4) The Prince, Machiavelli
August 19th, 2010 | 9:36am
by Nosemonkey
Almost half of them recognised. That’s pretty good going considering that — unlike listening to songs — in most cases people only read books once or maybe twice. Still, there were some “famous” lines in there (the first line of Ulysses for example is pretty recognisable, I’d suggest, as with the first line of Don Quixote). And the ones that include character names tend to make them a little easier to place (if the opening line of Vineland had used a pronoun instead of the name “Zoyd Wheeler” it probably wouldn’t jump out at you quite so forcefully).
I’ve credited 18 & 22 to both Larry and Nosemonkey as Larry got there first but his comment got stuck in the approval queue (change of email address will do that, Larry).
I was hoping someone would get the Bateson book, Gyrus. Figured I could rely on you even if no one else spotted it.
And yes, Nosemonkey, the opening line to War & Peace is usually in French but I figured that would have made it too obvious to even include (I almost didn’t put in Buck Mulligan’s entrance for that very reason, but in the end decided I just couldn’t leave it out).
The remaining ones that I feel are fairly recognisable are:
5, 6, 10, 14 and (given the likely demographic of my readership) possibly 13 & 21.
Of the non-fiction, I’d suggest that 1 is a pretty famous line (not up there with the opening line of Ulysses or anything, but recognisable all the same). And 5 and 7 are definitely “gettable”.
The rest, while I wouldn’t describe most of them as “obscure” (except, perhaps, 30… but it’s such a brilliant opening line I couldn’t omit it) are certainly less read than the others.
August 19th, 2010 | 10:57am
by Jim Bliss
30 – Maldoror by Lautrémont
August 19th, 2010 | 12:02pm
by Howard (IronMan)
Well done, Howard. Easily the most obscure book on the list. But arguably the best actual first line. I read Maldoror at university in the early 1990s and was mightily impressed. Kind of like a proto-Burroughs in some respects. Weird and wonderful.
August 19th, 2010 | 12:09pm
by Jim Bliss
Number 4 is from So The Wind Won’t Blow It All Away, by Richard Brautigan, as surely everyone knows.
Number 17 is from A Farewell To Arms, Hemingway’s greatest novel.
Number 16 is from The Great Gatsby, F Scott Fitzgerald’s greatest gatsby.
Number 21 is a Dirk Gently book – i think Long Dark Teatime Of The Soul, no i’ve changed my mind it’s the first one, The Holistic Detective Agency – by possibly the world’s greatest humourist since Mark Twain, Douglas Adams.
All long gone, all much missed. What a beautiful gift to the world a great book is.
August 19th, 2010 | 10:32pm
by hoop
Right on all counts, m’hoop. I knew you’d get the Brautigan one if you dropped by. Great opening line. Great book. I tend to agree with you about A Farewell to Arms though I’ve always liked The Old Man and The Sea which (if I recall) you’re not a fan of.
I’m currently reading a couple of pretty dense books on eco-psychology but have decided to pick up the Dirk Gently books again soon. Seriously under-rated, and I’d certainly agree that Adams is one of the world’s greatest humourists since Twain.
And yes, what a beautiful gift to the world a great book is.
August 19th, 2010 | 10:54pm
by Jim Bliss
I just tried this out on my Mum. She got several of the ones already got, and can additionally offer you…
14. Alice Through The Looking Glass
From me, Non-fiction 10 must be Freud, but I couldn’t tell you the name of the book.
August 20th, 2010 | 8:35pm
by Larry
Larry, your Mum is right about Through The Looking Glass. However, you’re not right about non-fiction #10. There is a book by Freud on the list, and #10 is a book written by a man who has described himself as “a Freudian”, so I can sympathise with your mis-attribution.
August 20th, 2010 | 9:41pm
by Jim Bliss
non-fiction #1 is Einstein’s Relativity.
Good quiz.
August 21st, 2010 | 9:48pm
by ukliberty
Absolutely right, UKLiberty. Which brings the number revealed to 25. More than 60%. I’ll leave it up for another couple of days and then reveal the answers.
August 21st, 2010 | 10:13pm
by Jim Bliss
I got seven (1, 11, 14, 18, 23, 27, 28)) & really should have got another six (2, 5, 10, 16, 20 and 21) – some of the latter I googled to check my first guesses, which were uniformly wrong.
Since 7 in non-fiction can’t be Malthus, it must be that Club of Rome report. And is 8 Rousseau’s Confessions?
August 24th, 2010 | 9:40am
by Phil
Nope, Phil, Non-fiction #8 isn’t Rousseau. Although the book in question (obviously an autobiography) does quote Rousseau, coincidentally. “Tout est bien sortant des mains de l’Auteur des choses” is the introduction to the chapter that covers the author’s travels to Kenya and Uganda.
You got #7 though. The Limits to Growth by the Club of Rome.
August 24th, 2010 | 10:19am
by Jim Bliss