Mar 2010

RSS update

As the eagle-eyed amongst you will notice, I’ve made a few tweaks to the layout of this blog. This was done at the same time I switched my web-hosting plan and as far as I can tell, it’s all gone pretty smoothly. Obviously if you notice anything broken, I’d be grateful if you could point it out.

The one thing I have noticed is that the URL for my RSS feed appears to have changed. I could probably spend a few hours working out why this has happened and undoing it, but instead I figured it’d be a good deal easier to ask the three of you who actually subscribe to my blog to just check your newsreader and update the feeds should it be required.

The correct URLS are:

  • Entries (http://numero57.net/feed/)
  • Comments (http://numero57.net/comments/feed/)

Posted in: Announcements