Travel on the quiet road
Hallo there!
Welcome to my new blog. I’ve already posted a few things; written while I was setting up this place; but this is the official Inaugural Post.
How’s it going so far? Well. It’s probably a bit early to say I guess.
Dublin certainly decided to welcome me in style. Within four days of my arrival, the city erupted into violence. The worst rioting in recent memory.
There has been condemnation from across the political spectrum of the violent clashes between protestors and gardaí in Dublin city centre this afternoon.
The Taoiseach, Bertie Ahern, said it appeared that dissident republican elements, as well as local people, were responsible for the disturbances.
Labour leader, Pat Rabbitte, said the Justice Minister, Michael McDowell, should make a public statement, based on a garda report, about whether reasonable steps were taken to ensure that this kind of mayhem could not be created.
Meanwhile, Mr McDowell has condemned today’s protests. He said the riots were ‘inexcusable’ and ‘an organised vicious attempt to discredit democratic protest’.
However, a small group of ex-girlfriends of new Dublin resident, Jim Bliss, sympathised with the rioters insisting that they ‘knew exactly how they felt’. They commended the city for exercising ‘incredible restraint’ in suffering almost an entire week without an outburst of some kind.
RTÉ News | Widespread condemnation of city violence
For my overseas readers, let me explain a little of the terminology used in that news item, and introduce some of the participants. Although, can I please remind everyone that this blog will be a process of discovery. I’m new here myself (well, it’s been over two decades since I last spent any length of time in Dublin… and that was when I was twelve years old). And I have no idea who either Michael McDowell or Pat Rabbitte (good name though) are. Nor do I know who “Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny” is (the other prominent politician mentioned in the original news article).
![Dublin snow Dublin snow](
Day 7: View from bedroom window
But I do know who Bertie Ahern is. He’s The Taoiseach (pronounced ‘Tea-Shock’). That’s Irish for “leader of the country”. It’s a prime-minister-type position rather than a “president” kind of thing. Bertie is leader of the Fianna Fail political party who have a majority of seats in parliament (actually, because Ireland has a more representative electoral system than, say, the UK; Fianna Fail don’t have an absolute majority and are the largest party in a coalition government. I think.)
Bertie has cultivated a “man of the people” political persona. How genuine that is, I have no idea. But I’m suspicious of people who wield a lot of power and pretend to be “just one of the lads”. Power over others is a strange thing. And one of the first changes it wroughts is to stop a person from being “just one of the lads”.
Hopefully I’ll know a little bit more about all this by Tuesday… apparently the flagship political debate show (the Irish equivalent of Question Time) is called Questions and Answers and is broadcast on Monday night. I expect it to be equal parts confusing, enlightening and infuriating.
Also, to clear up the other potentially confusing term… in case you aren’t already aware, the police are called gardaí here in Ireland. The singular is garda.
It’s as gaeilge ( “in Irish” ).
As Gaeilge
The Irish have a peculiar relationship with the native language. It was systematically discouraged during periods of British occupation, sometimes to the point of active persecution of those who spoke it. This had two results. Firstly it succeeded in almost killing it off completely. There are now only a few isolated spots in the west of the country where Irish is the first language. Secondly, it succeeded in making it exceedingly precious in the national psyche.
So every schoolchild in Ireland learns Irish as a second language. All of the roadsigns are bilingual. The common names of institutions (the main parliament is the Dáil) and organisations (the gardaí) are often Irish words, and official documents are all printed in both languages.
This is despite the fact that almost every schoolchild in Ireland stops learning Irish after the age at which it’s compulsory, and has forgotten all but a smattering by the time they reach adulthood. So with the exception of a handful of people living in the far west, fifty percent of everything the government produces is all but indecipherable to the public.
Quite aside from the waste of paper… The symbolism of the thing!
What now?
Well I’ve been in Dublin for almost two weeks now, and I still feel very much like a visitor. I’m beginning to wonder whether that’s not just my general feeling about planet earth, rather than any specific part of it.
I’ve not really ventured much beyond the confines of my new house just yet. But now that I’m completely unpacked and moved-in, and the loose ends from England are all being tied up one by one, I expect I’ll be discovering a little more about my new / old home town.
Hopefully this voyage of discovery will generate some interesting stuff to write about. If it doesn’t I can always continue droning on about peak oil and sustainability, or maybe just make some stuff up.
Hi Jim – my links have been duly updated. Glad you’ve moved in all right. I’m looking forward to reading the new blog!
March 5th, 2006 | 11:36pm
by Rachel
Wow, that was quick. My first incoming link. Thankyou muchly.
Though I wouldn’t say I moved in all right. The base of my big lava-lamp (the metal bit with the bulb in it) was buggered by the move. I’m hoping mathmos do replacements… after all, how can a person feel truly at home without a lava lamp?
March 5th, 2006 | 11:53pm
by Jim
Hi Jim, we might be twins. I’ve just started my own blog, too. I’m gonna link right at’ya, Jim, and hope you’ll feel the same way.
My blog’s at:
March 6th, 2006 | 5:25am
by Earl Jackson
I assumed it was a ‘Talking Heads’ thing. Now I’m not so sure. One thing’s for certain… you’ve attracted an excellent class of commenter.
As for us being twins…? You poor bastard!
March 6th, 2006 | 11:25am
by Jim
The native language thing; there’s a similar thing happened in the other Celtic countries the English occupied.
The Welsh really held fast. They got the Bible in Welsh very early, which meant that, in the days when schools were christian charity things, the language survived. They pushed hardest for equality for the language, and in the mid 70s got a law saying it’s a right to be educated in Welsh as a first language. They also sussed the power of the mass media and went out blowing up TV transmitters until they got a Welsh TV channel.
As in Ireland, kids get it as a second language at school, and a chunky minority (about 20% i think) are properly bilingual. Loads of these use both languages intermingled. Hearing these folks talk is dead funny if you only speak one of their languages. Animated conversations going, ‘llangathiad fflin ddowd dogorial right fuckin bastard fflothyr sacnothured llwy’.
The government are compelled to produce everything bilingually which does mean, as in Ireland, that half of what they print is no use to most people. But if the language and its cultural produce are to survive then the equality policy is essential.
In Scotland, Gaelic is down to about 60,000 speakers, but thanks to officialdom stepping in it’s well on the up again. And not just in the far western isles; there are Gealic parent and toddler groups in Glasgow that are oversubscribed and turning people away.
March 6th, 2006 | 12:41pm
by Merrick
Alright, Jim. Nice new gaff. Hope you’re settling in ok.
March 6th, 2006 | 4:06pm
by Justin
Jeez, that Earl Jackson / david c. sure gets about. Anyway, hiya Jim.
March 6th, 2006 | 4:30pm
by Jarndyce
Jarndyce, before you point out the mote in your brother’s eye, take heed of the beam in your own.
There’s a terrible error over at your blog, on your latest post about the Da Vinci Code. I’ll copy it here for the World to see:
“That their preposterously entertaining pseudo-historical romp (as the Mail might have said) was a work of research rather than fiction.”
You don’t need me or anyone else to spell out what’s wrong here, do you, Jarndyce? Consider this a free consultation. And pull your socks up or it’ll be an early bath for you!
March 6th, 2006 | 7:51pm
by Earl Jackson
Earl, I fear you greatly overestimate the readership of my blog if you think copying something here will better enable “the World” to see it.
Nice of you to drop by, Jarndyce. You should really come out of retirement. There isn’t enough genuinely thoughtful political writing out there.
Thanks to those of you (Justin, Larry) who’ve said nice things about the new blog. It is indeed quite spiffy, isn’t it? But that’s as much down to WordPress as anything I did. I believe Justin‘s in the process of switching over too… good plan. It’s a far better system than the built-in blogger software.
Of course, to get the best out of WordPress you really need to delve into the php. And while I’m proficient at programming in ColdFusion, I’m quite new to php. So if anyone notices anything broken around here, then please let me know.
Merrick, I wasn’t actually suggesting that attempts to keep the Irish language alive (and even expand its usage) shouldn’t happen. I wasn’t even suggesting that the government stop printing all documents in both languages (I don’t think they should as it happens). I was just going for the cheap joke.
For the record though, I do feel that efforts should be made to maintain the Irish language. Unlike Welsh however (20% biligual is quite high), the proportion of regular / fluent speakers of Irish is much lower.
According to Irish government figures, 1.6 million people speak Irish. That would equate to 40% of the population. But when you look at how that number breaks down, it turns out that there’s only about 350,000 who use the language on a daily basis. 8% of the population. It’s far from insignificant, but nor can it be described as flourishing.
March 6th, 2006 | 9:07pm
by Jim
updating my link now…
March 7th, 2006 | 5:10am
by L
This blog’s title is becoming only too apt, as the days go by.
March 7th, 2006 | 2:09pm
by Earl Jackson
I expect everyone’s over at Chicken Yoghurt, eating hot-cross buns with Justin. He wrote a very exciting post about his visit to the supermarket this morning.
It may be, Jim, that you’ve put a curse the new blog by opening it with a sentence containing a misplaced semi-colon. The comma, though humble, is a trusty workhorse.
March 7th, 2006 | 2:13pm
by Earl Jackson
Earl, if I post an essay every couple of days I’ll be more than happy with my productivity. You’re very quick to criticise. You must be a real gas as a cell-mate.
March 7th, 2006 | 3:27pm
by Jim
No offense there, Jim. I’m a bit low following the death of an old friend. I’m going to do a post today, in his honour.
Anyway, cheers.
March 7th, 2006 | 3:32pm
by Earl Jackson
You’re a stubborn fellow when it comes to your grammar, Jim. I take it you’re standing by the errorneus semi-colon in this blog’s first sentence? Perhaps we readers could vote on the thing:)
March 7th, 2006 | 7:20pm
by Earl Jackson
Nothing will happen here, Jim, until you correct that semi-colon.
March 8th, 2006 | 6:16pm
by Earl Jackson