Electing The CamBot

Official second draft of the new Tory campaign poster
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Official second draft of the new Tory campaign poster
Make your own poster here (via Chicken Yoghurt).
Posted in: Opinion
2011, Afghanistan, Africa, AI, America, Andrew Bridgen, Anglo Irish Bank, Anthropology, Argentina, Art, Australia, Autobahn, Barack Obama, Big Business, Bill Hicks, Billy Bragg, Blog stuff, Books, Booze, Bosnia, Brendan Gleeson, Brexit, Brian Eno, Brian Hayes, Britain, Budget 2011, Budget 2012, Canada, CAP, Cars, China, Chris Hedges, Christopher Hitchens, Climate change, Comedy, Conservatives, Copyright, Court, Crime, Cyprus, Dan and Dan, Dana Rosemary Scallon, David Bowie, David Byrne, David Cameron, David McWilliams, David Norris, Donald Trump, Don Cheadle, Dreams, Drug policy, Dublin, Ecology, Economics, Election2007, Election2008, Election2009, Election2010, Election2011, Election2012, Election2014, Enda Kenny, Equatorial Guinea, Europe, Execution, Existentialism, Falkland Islands, Fianna Fáil, Fiction, Film, Fine Gael, France, French Resistance, Galway, Gay Mitchell, George 'Dubya' Bush, George Orwell, George Papandreou, Greece, Gregory Bateson, Guy Môquet, Haiti, happy new year, Hillary Clinton, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, James Joyce, Japan, John Gilroy, John Michael McDonagh, Ken MacLeod, Korea, Kraftwerk, Labour, Language, Law, Le Pen, Literal Wormholes, Macron, Manifesto 17, Margaret Thatcher, Martin McGuinness, Mary Davis, Memories, Michael D Higgins, Michael Taft, Middle East, Mike Oldfield, Miscellanity, Mitt Romney, Music, NewsBite, Norway, Nukes, Occupy Dame Street, Occupy Movement, On This Deity, Otis Gibbs, Pakistan, Pat Shortt, Peak oil, Philip Challinor, Philosophy, Photos, Physics, Poetry, Politics, pop, President, Psychoanalysis, Psychology, Public Transport, Ray Bradbury, Referendum 2012, Religion, Revolution, Rick Santorum, Ronald Reagan, Ronald Wright, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sean Gallagher, Sean Quinn, Serbia, Sinn Féin, Space, Spain, Sport, St. Vincent, Sustainability, Syria, Takeshi Kitano, Talking Heads, Tech, Terrorism, The Democratic Circus, The Media, Thomas Paine, Tony Blair, Travel, Trees, Tubular Bells, TV, Ukraine, United States, Vincent Browne, War, World affairs, World War Two, Yemen
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